Monday, March 31, 2008

Oran Z's Pan African Black Facts & Wax Museum

Hotep my people,
Today we stopped by the Pan African Museum, Black Facts & Wax Museum where we filmed a group of high school students that are a youth dance group visiting Los Angeles from the great state of Florida to discover their African heritage and history. After Oran and sister Betty gave them the grand tour the dance group from Florida then headed off to visit two of our cities top youth dance studio’s in Debbie Allen Dance Academy and then off to Lula Washington Dance studio.
Oran Z has just added a new exhibit: The Return To Blackness, in concert with Valley of the Kings' Prentice Luster. This is an awesome display of some of the wonders of ancient Egypt (Khemet).

Call the museum today to RSVP your tour of the Pan African Black Facts & Wax Museum and see this wondrous display of the riches of ancient Khemet.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Set Free Outreach Center/Skid Row Photography

Set Free Outreach Center is located on the corner of 7th and San Julian in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, Skid RowWe spoke with pastor Ron who began this church back in 2004 with great blessings the people are hearing the word. We discuse the on going project known as Operation Face-lift. The project is completely community run and maintained by a loving caring communty artist that also cleans up the streets to develop new standards of pride while doing for self.


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Operation Face-Lift / Skid Row 3 on 3 Street Ball Leagues Awards Luncheon Awards Luncheon

Operation Face-Lift / Skid Row 3 on 3 Street Ball Leagues Awards Luncheon
San Julian & 7th Street the heart if Skid Row
There will be an "unveiling and signing" of the Wall (Mural) on San Julian Street and 7th. This will take place on April 17th (Thursday), 2008 at 12:00 noon. If you "intend" to sign the WALL (OPERATION FACE-LIFT/ SKIDROW), Let me know. There are also some "blocks" that can be dedicated to you personally or to your organization. These blocks (bricks) are limited and are similar to "the stars" on Hollywood. Again, be part of a "history”-making making event. See the extraordinary talent that Skidrow/ Central City East has to offer of Downtown Los Angeles and the example of "hardworking Skidronians"!
In strong contrast to the film "Skid Row we see a strong community effort to help restore community unity through community pride. The Beauty of Skid रो"
Brought to you from “Skid Row Photography Club”

Friday, March 14, 2008

The Los Angeles Downtown Art Walk

Skid Row Photography Club
Last night while experiencing the Art Walk we ran into O G Man, artist, author, community activist, founder of OG N Service, Skid Row 3 on 3 Street Ball Leagues and most recently, Operation Face-Lift/ Skid Row. Please play the video.


Skid Row Photography Club. Downtown Art Walk


The Skid Row Photography Club
“Exploring the Beauty of Skid Row”

The Skid Row Photography Club was created to provide our community a healthy artistic outlet designed to bring new possibilities of self-expression as well as personal development and growth. All are welcome to participate for this weekly activity as we explore:

Camera Not Required

new electronic, photographic, arts club, Skid Row Photography Club’s
If you are interested in joining our photography Club or if you have skills in Web Design, Blogging, photography or Podcasting, and Writing Articles, we want to hear from you today. Come have fun while exploring The Beauty of Skid Row.

The Club Meets Every Tuesday @ 4:00pm
800 East 6th Street at the Corner of Stanford

Michael Blaze
(213) 784-1692